Sunday, October 28, 2007
the newest rivermaya.

again, congratulations JAYSON!
gosh, just got done with thesis and there's another one i have to do = study intl law midterms.. hay! i have one day to do this thing I HATE MOST = memorizing LAW stuff. im really not up for this right now, i just feel so down and tamad to study. probably because we're the only ones with school until now. studying during halloween?! hah!!
others padin.
i miss someone. hmmm, wla lang. i just miss someone. just realized it today actually. i always say i miss that someone but its just today that i really felt it. hah! that's the last of the emo stuff i'll shed for today. enough already. il close this up na, im watching this "scary" film daw in abs-cbn, SIX ata ang title. au revoir mes amis!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
CHIT CHAT.favorite line from Grey's Anatomy S4 ep.4:
"i want to marry you..
i want to have kids with you..
i want to settle down and grow old with you..
i want to die when I'm 110 years old with you..
i don't want 48 uninterrupted hours..
i want a lifetime.."
- Derrick Sheperd to Meredith Grey
awww.. so chessy, but when it's mcdreamy who will say it?? hands down!! i just downloaded the 4th episode of the latest season of grey's anatomy this morning and i watched it as soon as it got complete.. such a cliche i must say. one wants to settle down and he is so ready but she isn't. what would happen then? what if there's another party that would come in between? cliches are what i hate 2nd to not getting what i want, but nothing to do right? it's part of this life..
Oct. 24 -- cram time!
oct.25 is the day i've been fearing for this whole week! it's intl. law midterms.. although part 1 lang tom, it was so hard considering its scope. i didnt get proper sleep that night (as in). so little time, so many to memorize and understand. good thing i had all my notes in order and i already started before that day. i couldnt even cut my french and envscan classes for intllaw since they're both as important. well, it's done, now, it's time to cram for tues (part2 of exam).. not only that, i have to cram our thesis paper tom!!! good luck to us!
Oct. 26 -- i have a date
hmmm, nothing to chat about it. it was ok. dinner and talk. hehehe
after, the night at home was hilarious! i have to send a package to a cousin's whose going home to the province this moring and i cant contact any of the drivers. i texted everybody and tried calling. no use. i ended up alarming at 4:30 in the morning to make sure the driver got the message and get the package since my cousin was to leave 5am to the airport. hilarious evening i swear! the wireless phone was beside my pillow and so is my cellphone.. hahaha. it was such a relief that the package was sent or else im dead. it contains Ate's, Kuys j's, and vasco's ticket coming here..
Oct. 27 -- cleanliness
i dont know what's up with me today, instead of sticking my head to do thesis, i didn't! so bad of me.. instead, i worked on the house for making sure that they start the "general cleaning" since ate and the rest are coming home na. ow, i also organized the food stocks in the kitchen and inventory.. hay, boring ng week na to sobra! and now, pbb just ended and i cant find anything else to do but this.. i ain't sleepy sobra! i dont know why i took coffee.. so bad of me..